Saturday, September 25, 2010

BLOG #1.1 - Game Evaluation

1. What games did your group play today?
a.) Cranium
b.) Scrabble
c.) Bingo
2.) Briefly describe how the game works. What was the objective of the game?
a.) In Cranium you get into 2 groups of 2. From there you pick one of the pieces (yellow,red,green, or blue) to represent your group. Together the groups make an agreement to see which of the groups goes first. After that the first group rolls the die the color the die lands on is the color of the box that they will choose their card from. One of the teammates from that group will do what the card says. If the other teammate gets it right they will role the die to see where they will land in. The other team will keep the same. The objective of the game is to be the first team to move around the board clockwise.
b.) For Scrabble each player gets their own little stand to put their letters in. We decide who goes first by each players picking out one letter and the player with the letter closets to a or a goes first. After that each players gets 7 letters. From there the first player starts putting the words on the board. The players after will have to connect their words from which ever letters or words that are already in the board. Every time you put letters on the board then you go inside the bag of letters to get more letters until you have 7 letters. Throughout it someone tallies the points you get from each word. The objective of the game is to get the most points after all the letters are gone.
c) For Bingo each player got their own BINGO card which has different numbers (not one BINGO card is exactly the same). Theres was a container that was shaped like a sphere in which the the Bingo balls were placed inside of. Somebody will spin the sphere shaped container (or cage) and from there they will take a BINGO ball out say its number and letter ( for example B15) and then place it outside in its specific spot. If a player has that number in their BINGO sheet then they will place a chip on the spot with the number. The objective of the game is to have your BINGO sheet covered either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally straight across and then say BINGO, from there you have won.

3. Were the rules clear? If not, what made them hard to understand?
a.) The rules were not clear, they were difficult to understand because it was talking about different things at the same time. In order for us to play we had to ask the teacher.
b.) The rules were some what clear. But, since other people in my group already knew how to play we mostly went based on what they said.
c.) The rules were very clear nobody in my group had a problem with understanding how to play. Everybody basically already knew what they were doing.

4. Was the board attractive, colorful, etc. ? EXPLAIN.
a.) Yes the board was attractive. It had many colors (yellow,red,green,and blue). The colors made the board more appealing.
b.) The board was not really attractive it was very plain and dull. It needed more color.
c.) It did not have a board but the but the different parts of it were attractive and the box in which it came in was well designed.

5. What is one positive element of the game?
a.) You have many options for playing it. You can act it out like charades, or write a drawing of it on a piece of paper. Besides that it helps expand our knowledge on a variety of things (such as movies, vegetation, etc.)
b.) You have to do some thinking in order to get the word you have on the board without messing anything else up.
c,) You have to be aware of what goes on in the game so you wont miss a number called, that means that you will basically have to be very much involved in the game.

6. What is one specific thing that can be improved? EXPLAIN.
a.) I think the direction and the bored can be improved. Th direction did not really help and even though the bored looked nice it had some parts in it that were questionable to why they will be there.
b.)I think that the board should be improved because the players might get a little bored by the game if they stare at such a simple board.
c.) I think that materials its self should be improved because it was distracting every one from playing the game.

7. What age is this game for? How could this game be altered to make it appropriate for a younger audience? How could this game be altered to make it appropriate for an older audience?
a.)It is for people 12 years old and older. It can be altered to make it appropriate for a younger audience by the rules being less complicated and more user friendly. It be altered to make it appropriate for an older audience by making the board less colorful.
b.) It is for teens and adults. It can be altered to make it appropriate for an younger audience by making the rules more simpler so that younger kids can understand more. It can be altered to make it appropriate for an older audience by removing many of the vowels from the bag of letters.
c.) It is for teens and adults. It can be altered to make it appropriate for an younger audience by changing the BINGO sheet to be based on numbers from 1-30 instead of 1-75. It can be altered to make it appropriate for an older audience by it having some extra rules involved so that it will be harder.

8. What element(s) of the game(s) that you played maybe integrated into your game?
a.) The part that might be integrated into my game will be that part that you might need to play charades
b.) The part that might be integrated into my game will be the little stand with the words.
c.) The part that might be integrated into my game will be the cage and the little balls.