Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog # 1.11 - Process Journal #5

So far, me and my group mates have divided the work. Each person will be responsible for at least 2 things. It will be 2 types of cards, and something else (for example, buying the dice (which Sadae is responsible for). We will create the majority of the game during the thanksgiving break. A problem (which is also the biggest problem we are facing) that we are facing is how to create the game board. We will like to get an old game board and from there create are board. We have not been able to find one, so we are going to end up using cardboard. Next class, we are going to focus on making sure that every one is doing what they are supposed to be doing during the break. Another problem that I think we might end up facing is that we might to be able to finish everything on time. Since this is a group project, we have to depend on one another, so if someone messes up, then we all do. We have to keep good communication throughout everything like that everything can be done on time and correctly.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blog #1.10 - Process Journal #4

The developments that my team and I have made towards our presentation is designing how every single thing of the game board will look like. Originally are game cards will have a question in the front and the answer in the back (backwards). Alexis suggested for us to have multiple choice questions instead of having the players figure it out entirely on their own. The multiple choice questions will be beneficial to them because they can use the process of elimination as well as kill time. Our game board and our game pieces will be the same as the original. The role that I will be playing in the preparation for the presentation is creating the power point. During the presentation, we will divide the power point slides into 3 parts ( Alexis, Sadae, and myself will all have a chance to speak about our project). A problem that we are facing is the fact that there are different parts of the project,but we have little time to complete it. Since I am in charge of creating the power point, I will work over the weekend on it. After I finish the power point, I will get in contact with my two other group mates, and from there we will assign parts to each group member.