Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog # 4.12 - Process Journal

During class I was not able to complete a lot of things, as far as the magazine cover in concerned. I was having trouble extracting my 1st photo. I did not have 2 full class periods to work on my magazine cover. For at least 75% of the first period I was completing Blog 4.7B. When I was done, I started working on my magazine cover. I was extracting one of my photos for the majority of the 2nd period. I wanted the photo to be as perfect as possible, but I was constantly making mistakes. The period was done and I only had a few things completed. Over the weekend I downloaded Adobe Photoshop and started extracting my photos. I redid the extraction for the photo I did in class because I did not like the result of it. For next class, I need to create a background, paste the extractions, and add all the teasers and titles. Since the extractions are completed, next class will go more smoothly.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Blog # 4.7B - Demographic

My target audience will people from the age of 20 years old - 30 years old. The gender of the target audience will be female. Besides that, the race of the target audience is Hispanic. The magazine cover will have celebrities in it, which means mainly females will be interested in the magazine. Females from that age tend to be more interested in celebrities. Besides that, the name of the magazine is "Hispanic Culture" and the celebrities featured in the magazine are all Hispanic. The target audiences' income will be average. The magazine is not too sophisticated, and its price is not more than 5 dollars.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog # 4.10 - Process Journal #3

The design that I decided to develop is my third sketch. It is supposed to be a sketch of a Special Edition of the Magazine, Hispanic Culture. I choose that particular design because I find it more appealing. In the cover there will be celebrities. People tend to be more interested in a magazine when celebrities are on the cover. Usually the "Hispanic Culture" Magazine features a lot of different things that have to do with the Hispanic Culture, such as Traditional Foods and Dances. But since this is a Special Edition of the magazine, it is focusing on influential celebrities.