Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog # 4.12 - Process Journal

During class I was not able to complete a lot of things, as far as the magazine cover in concerned. I was having trouble extracting my 1st photo. I did not have 2 full class periods to work on my magazine cover. For at least 75% of the first period I was completing Blog 4.7B. When I was done, I started working on my magazine cover. I was extracting one of my photos for the majority of the 2nd period. I wanted the photo to be as perfect as possible, but I was constantly making mistakes. The period was done and I only had a few things completed. Over the weekend I downloaded Adobe Photoshop and started extracting my photos. I redid the extraction for the photo I did in class because I did not like the result of it. For next class, I need to create a background, paste the extractions, and add all the teasers and titles. Since the extractions are completed, next class will go more smoothly.

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