Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog #1.9 - Process Journal #3

So far my teammates and I have made the first draft of our game board game. We have also made the first draft for each of our game pieces. We have an idea of how we want our game cards to look like, but we have changed the design of the cards a bit. Originally we were just going to have the cards and then the answer in the back, but backwards. But one of my group members brought up a good point. She said that if the cards are set up that way, then it will be easy for the player to cheat. I agreed, and I said that we can have a piece a paper that will cover the answer and can also be pulled out. So far that is how our game cards is going to look like. The qualities that the members in my team are exhibiting in a positive way are being communicators and being thinkers. We communicate a lot. Every time there is a problem that we come across, we just discuss about it and we find a solution. We also work together to design the different parts of the board game. I think that my group members are being thinkers because they bring new ideas every time we have a discussion. The IB quality that my group members are still working on developing is being risk takers. I feel that they need to stop going straight to the basics. We are making a board game for 6 th graders not adults. Most 6th graders will want to be entertained by every aspect of the board. I feel that my greatest strength is being a thinker. I think that I am always finding new ways of improving are project. The areas that I thinl I need to improve on is being more open-minded. I think that I am open-mined to adding new and creative things to the board but when I comes to my teammates opinions I am not as open. They might think something is good while I might not see it that way.

Blog #1.8 - Design Justification

The design that our group decided to use in my game pieces and Alexis' game cards. At the beginning we (mainly me and Alexis) were arguing. We could not decide on what game pieces design and what game cards design to use. She felt that the game pieces should be all the same, but I thought that there should be some type of diversity. We could not make a decision. When then asked a few people for their opinion. We asked Peteso " What is your favorite design for the games pieces and game cards." She liked my game pieces and she liked Alexis' cards. We decided to go with what Peteso liked because we both agreed with her.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Blog # 1.7c - Possible Designs

Sadae Livingston designed the game cards. Sadae, Alexis, and I had very similar designs as far as the game cards are concerned. Sadae's design was good, but I would of liked it if she had the answer upside down. I think that her cards were well organized ( like how Alexis' cards were). Overall her design was pretty good,but I would of liked it if she would of done the game pieces.

Blog # 1.7b - Possible Designs

Alexis Garcia designed the game pieces and the game cards as well. I believe that her game cards are better than mine. I think that her game cards are well designed and are more organized than mine. But, her cards were very similar to mine. I think that she should change her game pieces. I feel that her game pieces are too dull and plain. Her game pieces remind me of the euphoria perfume bottle for women. But for the most part her design has nice.

Blog #1.7a - Possible Designs

I designed the game pieces and the game cards for our board game (Mathoric). My game pieces were a book, a Television screen, a movie clapper board, and a vintage car. The reason why I choose those game pieces is because I want the audience to be entertained with their pieces (especially since we are designing a game for 6th grades, we do not want them to get bored). My game cards were categorized by color and subject. The yellow,red,and orange cards will represent Social Studies, while the blue,green,and purple cards will represent Mathematics. But, each color will focus on one specific part of that subject. The yellow cards will focus on naming states, the red cards will focus on historical people, and the orange cards will focus on events. For Mathematics, the blue cards will focus on intermediate addition, the green cards will focus on multiplication, and the purple cards will focus on decimal place values. One side 0f the card will have the question and the other side of the card will have the answer, but upside down

Blog #1.6- Process Journal #2

Based on what we have done I will give myself a 5. I will give myself a five because I have been working very hard on the design and the different concepts of the game. I think that I can approve on listening more to my group mates' suggestions. I will give my other group mates a 5 as well. I think that they are good group mates. Both of them do their work on time, and together we discuss the things we will include in our game.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Blog #1.4 - Design Specification

Me and my group members (Sadae Livingston and Alexis Garcia) will create a board game that will help sixth grade students expand their knowledge of Mathematics and Social Studies. The board game will include 4 pieces which will be used to represent each player (since only up to 4 people can play). The actual board for our board game will be a recycled board from another board game. We will use that board and transform it into our own using markers, printed pictures, and plain sheets on paper to design it. To make the cards we will use colored (but without lines) index cards. Besides that we will be using cardboard. We will cut pieces of cardboard and tape them together so that it can serve as the place holder for the cards. Other materials that will be needed are pencils and scrap paper. The pencils and scrap paper will be used to write down the answers to the questions in the cards.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog #1.5 - Brainstorm

Group Members: Sadae Livingston, Yaritza Burgos & Alexis Garcia

Name of Game: Mathoric

Subject Area: Math & History

Specific Topics to be Addressed:
Math: Intermediate Addition and multiplication, decimal place value
History: Names of States, Names of Historic People, Names of Events

Our game will be focused on the topics from Mathematics and History. The rules of the game would be for children to roll one die and if the die rolls on the color red, orange, or yellow, then the player must pick up a card from the History section and answer a question on the card. If the person answers the card correctly, they would roll the number die to determine the amount of spaces they move. If the dice lands on green, blue or purple, the same goes so forth for Math. It will be a four player game at most. Once the player puts down their answer card on the table they will not be able to change thier answer. ,

The games will include:2 die
  • four colored game pieces
  • 6 packs of cards
  • pencil
  • scrap paper
  • 2 boxes that serves as place holders for the cards
The characteristics of this game comes from the games:
  • Monopoly
  • Cranium

Information from the survey results we will be intergrating in the gam

e will be the most popular votes of math being the favorite subject, dice being the favorite thing to play in a game, and the majority of the people not wanting to include Spanish in the game.

The surfaces will be:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog # 1.3 - Process Journal #1

In this project I will be working with Alexis Garcia and Sadae Livingston. So far as a group we have discussed the types of things we want to incorporate into our board game. Besides that we have decided the school subjects that we want to be in the game. During class we made a survey and outside the classroom we have surveyed 4 kids from in between the ages 0f 10-12. We asked them questions about their favorite types of games and school subjects. Some answers were the same but they had their own personal opinion. Based on our survey we have a better understanding on how we are going to make or board game.

Blog # 1.2 - Design Task

For this project are task is to create a game for the 6th graders in Thurgood Marshall Academy. The game can not only be a fun entertaining game, the game needs the teach the game players something new or expand their knowledge on something that they already knew. The game will help students with school but will be fun enough for them to play on their won. This game will be board game which is focused on Social Studies and possibly Mathematics and Spanish. The game will be some what challenging but it will still be in a level in which the students will be able to understand.