Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog #1.5 - Brainstorm

Group Members: Sadae Livingston, Yaritza Burgos & Alexis Garcia

Name of Game: Mathoric

Subject Area: Math & History

Specific Topics to be Addressed:
Math: Intermediate Addition and multiplication, decimal place value
History: Names of States, Names of Historic People, Names of Events

Our game will be focused on the topics from Mathematics and History. The rules of the game would be for children to roll one die and if the die rolls on the color red, orange, or yellow, then the player must pick up a card from the History section and answer a question on the card. If the person answers the card correctly, they would roll the number die to determine the amount of spaces they move. If the dice lands on green, blue or purple, the same goes so forth for Math. It will be a four player game at most. Once the player puts down their answer card on the table they will not be able to change thier answer. ,

The games will include:2 die
  • four colored game pieces
  • 6 packs of cards
  • pencil
  • scrap paper
  • 2 boxes that serves as place holders for the cards
The characteristics of this game comes from the games:
  • Monopoly
  • Cranium

Information from the survey results we will be intergrating in the gam

e will be the most popular votes of math being the favorite subject, dice being the favorite thing to play in a game, and the majority of the people not wanting to include Spanish in the game.

The surfaces will be:

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