Friday, October 22, 2010

Blog #1.7a - Possible Designs

I designed the game pieces and the game cards for our board game (Mathoric). My game pieces were a book, a Television screen, a movie clapper board, and a vintage car. The reason why I choose those game pieces is because I want the audience to be entertained with their pieces (especially since we are designing a game for 6th grades, we do not want them to get bored). My game cards were categorized by color and subject. The yellow,red,and orange cards will represent Social Studies, while the blue,green,and purple cards will represent Mathematics. But, each color will focus on one specific part of that subject. The yellow cards will focus on naming states, the red cards will focus on historical people, and the orange cards will focus on events. For Mathematics, the blue cards will focus on intermediate addition, the green cards will focus on multiplication, and the purple cards will focus on decimal place values. One side 0f the card will have the question and the other side of the card will have the answer, but upside down

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