Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog #1.9 - Process Journal #3

So far my teammates and I have made the first draft of our game board game. We have also made the first draft for each of our game pieces. We have an idea of how we want our game cards to look like, but we have changed the design of the cards a bit. Originally we were just going to have the cards and then the answer in the back, but backwards. But one of my group members brought up a good point. She said that if the cards are set up that way, then it will be easy for the player to cheat. I agreed, and I said that we can have a piece a paper that will cover the answer and can also be pulled out. So far that is how our game cards is going to look like. The qualities that the members in my team are exhibiting in a positive way are being communicators and being thinkers. We communicate a lot. Every time there is a problem that we come across, we just discuss about it and we find a solution. We also work together to design the different parts of the board game. I think that my group members are being thinkers because they bring new ideas every time we have a discussion. The IB quality that my group members are still working on developing is being risk takers. I feel that they need to stop going straight to the basics. We are making a board game for 6 th graders not adults. Most 6th graders will want to be entertained by every aspect of the board. I feel that my greatest strength is being a thinker. I think that I am always finding new ways of improving are project. The areas that I thinl I need to improve on is being more open-minded. I think that I am open-mined to adding new and creative things to the board but when I comes to my teammates opinions I am not as open. They might think something is good while I might not see it that way.

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