Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog # 2.15 - Area of Interaction

My film reflects the ideas of the designated Area of Interaction ( Human Ingenuity) because I had to the 3 things in it in order to complete the film. I had to be in communication with my partner, organized, and working effectively. Throughout the process of creating this film, Peteso and I were always in contact. During school and class we spoke to each other and after school we stayed in contact by texting each other and sending facebook messages.Besides that, in order for us to complete our film we had to be organized. Peteso is probably the most disorganized person in our class, but she has good memory. The IB Design Technology Design Folio helped Peteso and I stay on track. The Design Folio had the blog numbers, a short description, and the date the blog is due. Because of the Design Folio we were able to balance our time and finish the project on time. During class, and outside of class, Peteso and I worked hard to make sure everything was done on time. Independently, I printed out the pictures/props that we used in our film and I created the film. As a group/team, Peteso and I came up with designs and ideas for our film. We also took the first half of the photos together.

Blog # 2.14 - Process Journal #8

Originally, Peteso and I did not make a timeline. But in the end, we ended up making one. Throughout the process of completing this project, Peteso and I did our work based on the scheduel that was on the IB Design Technology Folio. But, by the time the shooting day came (January 4th, 2010) Peteso and I decided to make a timeline. Since we did not have enough time to shoot all of our photos, we decided to meet up another time and take the photos. In the end we were not able to stick to our plan. Time passed and Peteso and I were not able to meet up because of different circumstances. In the end, Peteso shot the photos we needed on January 18th, 2010. Since we didn't have enough time to start to edit the video, I decided to take all the photos home, and the the whole video at home. Those changes were necessary because with out them are project would of not been done in time.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blog # 2.13 - Process Journal #7

My Partner and I have made a few changes to our original design. Originally we were planning to showing the main character and his girlfriend a few times throughout the film, but in our final film we only showed the main character and his girlfriend once. Besides that, we planned on having a scene where the main characters will be together, but as friends. The main reason why we made those changes was because of the pictures I printed out from the internet. When we got the pictures, we decided to change the design a bit so that it will look nicer with the pictures we have. I think that or final film is much better than or original design. Even though my partner and I made those last minute changes, I think the film still turned out to be as good, if not better than our original design.


Did you enjoy the film?

On a scale from 1-10 what will you give the film?

Do you like or dislike the props used in the film? Why?

What was your favorite part in the film?

If there is something you would like to change in the film? If so, what will you change?

What do you think about the music? Is it boring or is it interesting?

Does the music go with the film? If not, what song do you think will go better with the film?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog #2.11 - Process Journal #6

My teammate (Peteso) and I haven't really made many developments towards our film. On January 4th, 2010, Peteso and I shot the majority of our pictures. At first it was difficult because we kept messing up and Peteso and I were constantly arguing. While shooting, I was responsible for taking the pictures and Peteso was responsible for moving the objects. If I were to move the tripod or camera slightly, we got into an argument. If Peteso were to move the object too far or too little, we got into an argument. After struggling for about 20 minutes, Peteso and I got our act together. We started all over again. After starting all over again, Peteso and I stopped arguing and we began to work efficiently. In the end we got the majority of our work done. Before our project is due, I am going to edit the film on my own time and Peteso is going to take the last few photos on her own time. In the week of January 18th, 2010, I am going to stay after school to work on the film. I do not think that it will take us a long time to complete the film.

Blog #2.11 - Process Journal #6

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blog #2.10 - Process Journal #5

As of now, my partner ad I are not having any challenges,but before we had a few disagreements. The first disagreement that Peteso and I had was deciding on which song to used. At first I wanted to use the song Speak Now by Taylor Swift. Peteso did not want to use that song, she wanted to use a rock song. In the end, me and her decided not to use the song Speak Now,but to use another Taylor Swift song. That decision satisfied both of us. The IB Learner quality that my partner is exhibiting is a positive manner is being open-minded. My partner is open to my ideas and the suggestions that I have. My partner is also very understanding and is a good listener. The IB learner quality that my team is still working on is being balanced. We sometimes waste so much time discussing or ideas, that we do not have enough time to complete our work. My greatest strength as a team member is being a thinker. I am constantly coming up with new ideas for the stop motion animation. When ever there's a problem I will think of a solution that doesn't only benefit me,but also benefits my partner and the project as a whole. The area that I need to improve on in order to become a better team member is being more open to my partner's ideas. So far, I have improved on that, but I have to improve way more in order to be a better team member.

Blog #2.9 - Process Journal #4

The props that my partner and I will need in order to complete our project is printed out trees, bushes, benches, flowers, fountains, and the characters. All other props/materials that we might use in our stop motion animation will be printed out. The type of music that will enhance our stop motion animation will be music that is not too fast or too slow. The song we decided to use is a pop song. The name of the song we are going to use is You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift. The song goes great with the story we are trying to make. In the end I think that the combination of that song and our story is going to be good.