Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blog #2.10 - Process Journal #5

As of now, my partner ad I are not having any challenges,but before we had a few disagreements. The first disagreement that Peteso and I had was deciding on which song to used. At first I wanted to use the song Speak Now by Taylor Swift. Peteso did not want to use that song, she wanted to use a rock song. In the end, me and her decided not to use the song Speak Now,but to use another Taylor Swift song. That decision satisfied both of us. The IB Learner quality that my partner is exhibiting is a positive manner is being open-minded. My partner is open to my ideas and the suggestions that I have. My partner is also very understanding and is a good listener. The IB learner quality that my team is still working on is being balanced. We sometimes waste so much time discussing or ideas, that we do not have enough time to complete our work. My greatest strength as a team member is being a thinker. I am constantly coming up with new ideas for the stop motion animation. When ever there's a problem I will think of a solution that doesn't only benefit me,but also benefits my partner and the project as a whole. The area that I need to improve on in order to become a better team member is being more open to my partner's ideas. So far, I have improved on that, but I have to improve way more in order to be a better team member.

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