Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog # 2.15 - Area of Interaction

My film reflects the ideas of the designated Area of Interaction ( Human Ingenuity) because I had to the 3 things in it in order to complete the film. I had to be in communication with my partner, organized, and working effectively. Throughout the process of creating this film, Peteso and I were always in contact. During school and class we spoke to each other and after school we stayed in contact by texting each other and sending facebook messages.Besides that, in order for us to complete our film we had to be organized. Peteso is probably the most disorganized person in our class, but she has good memory. The IB Design Technology Design Folio helped Peteso and I stay on track. The Design Folio had the blog numbers, a short description, and the date the blog is due. Because of the Design Folio we were able to balance our time and finish the project on time. During class, and outside of class, Peteso and I worked hard to make sure everything was done on time. Independently, I printed out the pictures/props that we used in our film and I created the film. As a group/team, Peteso and I came up with designs and ideas for our film. We also took the first half of the photos together.

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