Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog # 2.14 - Process Journal #8

Originally, Peteso and I did not make a timeline. But in the end, we ended up making one. Throughout the process of completing this project, Peteso and I did our work based on the scheduel that was on the IB Design Technology Folio. But, by the time the shooting day came (January 4th, 2010) Peteso and I decided to make a timeline. Since we did not have enough time to shoot all of our photos, we decided to meet up another time and take the photos. In the end we were not able to stick to our plan. Time passed and Peteso and I were not able to meet up because of different circumstances. In the end, Peteso shot the photos we needed on January 18th, 2010. Since we didn't have enough time to start to edit the video, I decided to take all the photos home, and the the whole video at home. Those changes were necessary because with out them are project would of not been done in time.

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