Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog #2.11 - Process Journal #6

My teammate (Peteso) and I haven't really made many developments towards our film. On January 4th, 2010, Peteso and I shot the majority of our pictures. At first it was difficult because we kept messing up and Peteso and I were constantly arguing. While shooting, I was responsible for taking the pictures and Peteso was responsible for moving the objects. If I were to move the tripod or camera slightly, we got into an argument. If Peteso were to move the object too far or too little, we got into an argument. After struggling for about 20 minutes, Peteso and I got our act together. We started all over again. After starting all over again, Peteso and I stopped arguing and we began to work efficiently. In the end we got the majority of our work done. Before our project is due, I am going to edit the film on my own time and Peteso is going to take the last few photos on her own time. In the week of January 18th, 2010, I am going to stay after school to work on the film. I do not think that it will take us a long time to complete the film.

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