Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog # 4.16 - Area of Interaction

The choices that I have made that will appeal to the audience is the celebrities, their clothing, and the colors and style of the font. Since my target audience is women, having celebrities in the cover will appeal to them because women tend to be interested in celebrities. The clothing of the celebrities is appealing as well because their dresses are gold and the fonts are white,black,red, and yellow. Besides that, the font styles and color are appealing as well because it blends in with the background color and the celebrities that are on the cover. A choice that I could of made to make the magazine cover more appealing is placing the articles somewhere else. I could of possibly put each article next to one of the three celebrities. For the most part, I am satisfied with the result of my magazine cover, even though there is areas that can be improved.

Blog # 4.15 - Process Journal #5

I made a few changes to my final design that I did not have in my initial design. One change I made was the placement of the main teaser. I decided the put the main teaser in the spot because it looks more appealing, even though some of the words are overlapping with the women. Besides that, another change that I made, was the placement of the other articles. I wanted them to look as organized as possible, so I separated the articles, while in my initial design the articles were much closer. Overall, my initial design is very similar to my final design, I made only a few changes to the final design

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog # 4.12 - Process Journal

During class I was not able to complete a lot of things, as far as the magazine cover in concerned. I was having trouble extracting my 1st photo. I did not have 2 full class periods to work on my magazine cover. For at least 75% of the first period I was completing Blog 4.7B. When I was done, I started working on my magazine cover. I was extracting one of my photos for the majority of the 2nd period. I wanted the photo to be as perfect as possible, but I was constantly making mistakes. The period was done and I only had a few things completed. Over the weekend I downloaded Adobe Photoshop and started extracting my photos. I redid the extraction for the photo I did in class because I did not like the result of it. For next class, I need to create a background, paste the extractions, and add all the teasers and titles. Since the extractions are completed, next class will go more smoothly.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Blog # 4.7B - Demographic

My target audience will people from the age of 20 years old - 30 years old. The gender of the target audience will be female. Besides that, the race of the target audience is Hispanic. The magazine cover will have celebrities in it, which means mainly females will be interested in the magazine. Females from that age tend to be more interested in celebrities. Besides that, the name of the magazine is "Hispanic Culture" and the celebrities featured in the magazine are all Hispanic. The target audiences' income will be average. The magazine is not too sophisticated, and its price is not more than 5 dollars.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog # 4.10 - Process Journal #3

The design that I decided to develop is my third sketch. It is supposed to be a sketch of a Special Edition of the Magazine, Hispanic Culture. I choose that particular design because I find it more appealing. In the cover there will be celebrities. People tend to be more interested in a magazine when celebrities are on the cover. Usually the "Hispanic Culture" Magazine features a lot of different things that have to do with the Hispanic Culture, such as Traditional Foods and Dances. But since this is a Special Edition of the magazine, it is focusing on influential celebrities.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog # 4.9 - Article Titles

Seven "articles" that might be mentioned in my magazine cover are the following ...
  • Food : Traditional Hispanic Food
  • Dancing : The Evolution of Meringue
  • Music : The Future of Aventura
  • Art : Picasso's Iconic Paintings
  • Mexico : Problems in the Border
  • Cuba : Why Cubans want Max Marambio to go to jail
  • Vacation Spots in the Caribbean

Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog # 4.4 - Design Specification

In order for me to create that magazine cover about Hispanics, I will need to have the following ...
  • Multiple Fonts (different styles and colors)
  • Pictures
  • 7 articles
  • A teaser
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • 3D Images
  • Color Gradients
  • Interesting Tittle

Blog # 4.3 - Design Brief

I will be creating a magazine cover. The topic for the magazine cover that I will create is Hispanic. My magazine cover will include information about Hispanic Culture. This magazine cover will be mainly used by people of the age of 20 - 40 years old and mostly women will read the magazine. The function or purpose of the magazine cover is to create a magazine cover that relates to the topic assigned. The manufacturing technique for this magazine cover is Adobe Illustrator. By using that program, I will be able to put in all the elements needed for this magazine cover.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog # 4.7- Process Journal # 2

Three possible names for my magazine are the following...
  • Hispanic Weekly
  • Hispanos Unidos
  • Hispanic Culture
The name that I will go with is Hispanic Culture. I have chosen that name because in my magazine cover I plan to have a combination of things that relate to Hispanic Culture. By calling it "Hispanic Culture" I want to make it clear that the magazine can be read by most ages and people who are interested in learning more about Hispanic Culture.

Blog # 4.7A - Topic Research

Directions: Answer the following questions based on the topic that you have been assigned. If you have missed class and have not chosen a topic for your magazine cover please see Ms Tomlin any day after 8th period in Room 311.

1. What topic have you been assigned for this project?
The topic that I have been assigned for this project is Hispanic

2. List at least 10 subtopics that are related to your topic. For example, if your topic is Women's Clothing, three subtopics would be Shoes, Working Out Outfits, Formal Wear
10 subtopics that are related to my topic is South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Spain, Mexico, Hispanic food, Hispanic traditions, shows in Spanish, Hispanic Art, and famous Hispanics.

3. Go to www. Find your magazine topic. List at least four magazines that are based on your topic. List the title of at least 10 articles from any previous issue(s) of those magazine(s).
Four magazines that are based on my topic are ..
- Hispanic Magazine
- Hispanic Network Magazine
- Latina
- Siempre Mujer Magazine
Tittle of ten articles from any previous issues are...
- Fonseca : The Colombian superstar shines brightly
- Salsa Spectacular : Larry Harlos and the golden age of Salsa
- Honoring Cinco de Mayo
- Shakira : Her call to serve one song at a time
- Latinas on TV : Five Fresh faces under 25
- 10 Mujeres que Inspiran : Adamari Lopez, Candela Ferro, Angelica Vale, y otras!
- Selena Gomez : The Tejana Star Makes Us Proud!
- BEST NEW : Latino Designers
- 120 Reasons to Love Being Latina
- The Best Latin Music You Don't Know
4. Describe your target demographic (who will be interested in your magazine). Use specifics, think of gender, age, socioeconomic group, location, etc. You will be evaluated on how well your magazine cover appeals to your designated demographic.
I think people from the age of 20 years old - 40 years old will be interested in my magazine. But, I think more women than men will be interested in it. My magazine will have information on multiple topics. There will be information about events that are happening around the world as well as information on Hispanic celebrities. I believe that more women will be interested in my magazine of the way the cover will be set up, it will be more feminine than masculine.

Blog # 4.5 - Process Journal #1

The topic I have been given for this project is Hispanic. I am Hispanic, so I know about Hispanic culture and other things relating to that. Four questions that I have are ...
  1. What articles should be featured in my magazine cover?
  2. What colors and fonts should I have in my magazine cover?
  3. What should the teaser be about?
  4. Should I have more than one photo in my magazine cover?
Besides that, one topic that I believe should be included in my "magazine" is influential Hispanics. Hispanics that are known all over the world should be a part of my magazine.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog # 4.2 - Design Task

The task for this project is to create a cover for a magazine. For this project there will be no groups or partners, all the work will be done individually. Each person will have their own magazine cover topic. The topics vary from Art, Birds, to Cars. Once each person is assigned a magazine cover topic, they will decided how they want their magazine cover to look like. Each person will choose the fonts, images, and articles that they want to be featured in their magazine cover. To create the magazine cover, everybody has to use Adobe Illustrator. The purpose of this project is not to create a whole magazine, but a magazine cover that is creative and appealing.

Blog # 4.1 - Evaluation

1. What is the name of the magazine?
The name of the magazine is Newsweek.
2. What is the magazine about?
The magazine is about how California is much more popular then how it was 62 years before, which was its last earthquake
3. Describe the design of the title. (Colors were used, placement of title, format, font)
The tittle of the article is writing in yellow and is in the middle/center of the magazine. Besides that, it looks like it is in bold.
4. What is the dominate image on the cover? Why have they chosen that image? What does the image tell you about the content of the magazine? Do you find the image appealing? Why or why not? Have they included other images on the cover? If yes, what are they? If no, what image(s) do you think should have been included on the cover?
The dominate image of the cover is a map of the United States, without the state of California included. What the image tells me about the content of the magazine is that that magazine is mainly going to focus of California and how it can "disappear" if an earthquake were to occur. Yes, I do find the image appealing, the reason why is because of the fact that California is not part of the United States map. If a smaller state, such as New Jersey, were to be missing out of the United States map, I would of not noticed it quickly, but since California is a big state, it was easy for me to spot the difference. No, they have not included other images on the cover. I think that pictures of the streets of California right after the earthquake and pictures of how California looks currently should have been included in the cover.
5. Who is the intended audience? (demographics) How do you know?
I think that the intended audience was for people mainly from California and the United States. I know this because if another earthquake were to occur, it will mainly affect people for the US and California, so its normal if they were to care more than someone living on the other side of the world.
6. What articles will be found in the magazine? How do those article relate to the topic of the magazine?
Other articles that will be found in the magazine are about politics, business, religion, science, and sports. These articles relate to the topic of the magazine because it has to do with what happening around us.
7. How many different fonts (style, color and size) are found on the cover? Do you find the fonts appealing? Why or why not?
I found about 4 different fonts. 1st, is the font that is used for the tittle of the magazine, which is in white, with a red background. 2nd, is the font that is much smaller and on top of the tittle, it is in red and black. 3rd, is the font of the teaser, which is in bold and yellow, and a bit smaller than the tittle. 4th, is the font of the other articles in the magazine, it is really small and is written in white and yellow. I don't find the fonts appealing, its a bit dull and I think other colors could of been used.

1. What is the name of the magazine?
The name of the magazine is WWE Magazine
2. What is the magazine about?
The magazine is about the superstars of WWE and their road to Wrestlemania, which is like the super bowl of WWE.
3. Describe the design of the title. (Colors were used, placement of title, format, font)
The title of the magazine is on the top right corner. It is in blue and it has a big W.
4. What is the dominate image on the cover? Why have they chosen that image? What does the image tell you about the content of the magazine? Do you find the image appealing? Why or why not? Have they included other images on the cover? If yes, what are they? If no, what image(s) do you think should have been included on the cover?
The dominate image is a picture of the wrestler Batista. They have probably chosen that image because Batista was probably the center of attention at the time, or they just wanted to show his story. What this image tells me about that content of the magazine is that the main focus is going to be on Batista. Yes, I do find this image appealing. The image has good affects, and it really catches my eye. No, they have not included other images on the cover. Other images that they should have included is photos of Batista fighting other wrestlers.
5. Who is the intended audience? (demographics) How do you know?
The intended audience is probably for children and anyone else who watches WWE, or is interested in it. I know this because the magazine only focuses on things that have to do about WWE, it is like a sports magazine.
6. What articles will be found in the magazine? How do those article relate to the topic of the magazine?
Other articles that will be found in the magazine is articles about other WWE superstars, such as Maria, The Miz, Y2J, Ashley, Layla, etc. These articles relate to the topic of the magazine because just like Batista, they are WWE superstars. Besides that, they are probably going to be in WrestleMania.
7. How many different fonts (style, color and size) are found on the cover? Do you find the fonts appealing? Why or why not?
There isn't many fonts in the magazine. The font that is used for other articles in the magazine, besides the teaser, is really small and is written in a yellow-brownish color with white. The font for the tittle of the magazine is big a blue. As for the other fonts in the magazine, they are white with a blue background.

1. What is the name of the magazine?
The name of the magazine is Marie Claire.
2. What is the magazine about?
The magazine is mainly about Angelina Jolie and her life. Besides that, in larger letters, you can see that the magazine is also about beauty tips for the summer, fashion steals, and many more.
3. Describe the design of the title. (Colors were used, placement of title, format, font)
The tittle is on the top of the magazine and it goes across it and covers both ends. It is pink and the a's look a bit slanted.
4. What is the dominate image on the cover? Why have they chosen that image? What does the image tell you about the content of the magazine? Do you find the image appealing? Why or why not? Have they included other images on the cover? If yes, what are they? If no, what image(s) do you think should have been included on the cover?
The dominate image on the cover is the image of Angelina Jolie. They have chosen that image because their main article is going to be about her. Besides that, she is a well known celebrity so the magazine will probably sell more. What this image tells me about the content of the magazine is that the magazine is going to have a big article about her, and that she is going to be mentioned a few times in the magazine. Yes, I do find the image appealing, the way her makeup is done and how her hair looks goes perfect with the fonts in the magazine. If she were to have really dark makeup and an extreme hairstyle, then the image will not be that appealing, considering the type of magazine it is. No, they have not included other images on the cover, and I think it looks nice just the way it is. If more images were to be added to the cover, then I do not think the image will be that appealing, the focus will not be on the one image of Angelina Jolie, but on other images.
5. Who is the intended audience? (demographics) How do you know?
The intended audience is probably women. Besides the fact that Maire Claire is a women's magazine, the other titles for the articles that are going to be in the magazine relate to women. They have to do with women fashion, beach bodies, and summer beauty secrets.
6. What articles will be found in the magazine? How do those article relate to the topic of the magazine?
The articles that will be found in the magazine are about Angelina Jolie's life, Summer Body Secrets, Beach Bodies, Women Fashion, and many more. These articles relate to the topic because they all have to do with the lives of women.
7. How many different fonts (style, color and size) are found on the cover? Do you find the fonts appealing? Why or why not?
There is not many fonts in the cover of the magazine. The fonts are either light pink, dark pink, black, or white. Besides that, there is not other color, but the sizes are different. Yes, I do find these fonts appealing. I feel that the fonts and images go great with each other.

1. What is the name of the magazine?
The name of the magazine is Entertainment Weekly.
2. What is the magazine about?
The magazine is about the Oscars and Slumdog Billionaire. It also includes information about the show Project Runway.
3. Describe the design of the title. (Colors were used, placement of title, format, font)
The tittle is on the top of the magazine and it goes across it and covers both ends of the magazine. The word "Entertainment" is written in blue and is large, while the word "Weekly" is written in white.
4. What is the dominate image on the cover? Why have they chosen that image? What does the image tell you about the content of the magazine? Do you find the image appealing? Why or why not? Have they included other images on the cover? If yes, what are they? If no, what image(s) do you think should have been included on the cover?
The dominate image on the cover is a picture of the two main characters of Slumdog Billionaire and their Oscars. What the image tells me about the content of the magazine is that the magazine is going to focus on them and the Oscars. Yes, I do find the image appealing. The reason why is because the magazine is mainly focusing on them, the fact that the background is white helps me focus on them even more, then if the background was not a solid color. Yes that magazine included another image. It was a picture of Anne Hathaway wearing her Oscar dress. The tittle infront of her picture was "Oscar Fashion : the Best & Worst."
5. Who is the intended audience? (demographics) How do you know?
The intended audience is adults, or other age groups who probably watched the Oscars. I know this because people who usually watch the Oscars are not children, it usally adults. Besides that, not that many children/teens know about the movie Slumdog Billionaire.
6. What articles will be found in the magazine? How do those article relate to the topic of the magazine?
The articles that will be found in the magazine are about Slumdog Billionaire, the Behind the Scenes of the Oscars, and the Worst and Best Dressed of the Oscars. These topics relate because they all have to do with Entertainment, and the Oscars entertain millions of viewers every year.
7. How many different fonts (style, color and size) are found on the cover? Do you find the fonts appealing? Why or why not?
There is only about 3 different fonts. The sizes vary. But, there is 4 different colors. The tittle of the Magazine is white and blue while everything else is either black or gold.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog # 2.15 - Area of Interaction

My film reflects the ideas of the designated Area of Interaction ( Human Ingenuity) because I had to the 3 things in it in order to complete the film. I had to be in communication with my partner, organized, and working effectively. Throughout the process of creating this film, Peteso and I were always in contact. During school and class we spoke to each other and after school we stayed in contact by texting each other and sending facebook messages.Besides that, in order for us to complete our film we had to be organized. Peteso is probably the most disorganized person in our class, but she has good memory. The IB Design Technology Design Folio helped Peteso and I stay on track. The Design Folio had the blog numbers, a short description, and the date the blog is due. Because of the Design Folio we were able to balance our time and finish the project on time. During class, and outside of class, Peteso and I worked hard to make sure everything was done on time. Independently, I printed out the pictures/props that we used in our film and I created the film. As a group/team, Peteso and I came up with designs and ideas for our film. We also took the first half of the photos together.

Blog # 2.14 - Process Journal #8

Originally, Peteso and I did not make a timeline. But in the end, we ended up making one. Throughout the process of completing this project, Peteso and I did our work based on the scheduel that was on the IB Design Technology Folio. But, by the time the shooting day came (January 4th, 2010) Peteso and I decided to make a timeline. Since we did not have enough time to shoot all of our photos, we decided to meet up another time and take the photos. In the end we were not able to stick to our plan. Time passed and Peteso and I were not able to meet up because of different circumstances. In the end, Peteso shot the photos we needed on January 18th, 2010. Since we didn't have enough time to start to edit the video, I decided to take all the photos home, and the the whole video at home. Those changes were necessary because with out them are project would of not been done in time.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blog # 2.13 - Process Journal #7

My Partner and I have made a few changes to our original design. Originally we were planning to showing the main character and his girlfriend a few times throughout the film, but in our final film we only showed the main character and his girlfriend once. Besides that, we planned on having a scene where the main characters will be together, but as friends. The main reason why we made those changes was because of the pictures I printed out from the internet. When we got the pictures, we decided to change the design a bit so that it will look nicer with the pictures we have. I think that or final film is much better than or original design. Even though my partner and I made those last minute changes, I think the film still turned out to be as good, if not better than our original design.


Did you enjoy the film?

On a scale from 1-10 what will you give the film?

Do you like or dislike the props used in the film? Why?

What was your favorite part in the film?

If there is something you would like to change in the film? If so, what will you change?

What do you think about the music? Is it boring or is it interesting?

Does the music go with the film? If not, what song do you think will go better with the film?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog #2.11 - Process Journal #6

My teammate (Peteso) and I haven't really made many developments towards our film. On January 4th, 2010, Peteso and I shot the majority of our pictures. At first it was difficult because we kept messing up and Peteso and I were constantly arguing. While shooting, I was responsible for taking the pictures and Peteso was responsible for moving the objects. If I were to move the tripod or camera slightly, we got into an argument. If Peteso were to move the object too far or too little, we got into an argument. After struggling for about 20 minutes, Peteso and I got our act together. We started all over again. After starting all over again, Peteso and I stopped arguing and we began to work efficiently. In the end we got the majority of our work done. Before our project is due, I am going to edit the film on my own time and Peteso is going to take the last few photos on her own time. In the week of January 18th, 2010, I am going to stay after school to work on the film. I do not think that it will take us a long time to complete the film.

Blog #2.11 - Process Journal #6

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blog #2.10 - Process Journal #5

As of now, my partner ad I are not having any challenges,but before we had a few disagreements. The first disagreement that Peteso and I had was deciding on which song to used. At first I wanted to use the song Speak Now by Taylor Swift. Peteso did not want to use that song, she wanted to use a rock song. In the end, me and her decided not to use the song Speak Now,but to use another Taylor Swift song. That decision satisfied both of us. The IB Learner quality that my partner is exhibiting is a positive manner is being open-minded. My partner is open to my ideas and the suggestions that I have. My partner is also very understanding and is a good listener. The IB learner quality that my team is still working on is being balanced. We sometimes waste so much time discussing or ideas, that we do not have enough time to complete our work. My greatest strength as a team member is being a thinker. I am constantly coming up with new ideas for the stop motion animation. When ever there's a problem I will think of a solution that doesn't only benefit me,but also benefits my partner and the project as a whole. The area that I need to improve on in order to become a better team member is being more open to my partner's ideas. So far, I have improved on that, but I have to improve way more in order to be a better team member.

Blog #2.9 - Process Journal #4

The props that my partner and I will need in order to complete our project is printed out trees, bushes, benches, flowers, fountains, and the characters. All other props/materials that we might use in our stop motion animation will be printed out. The type of music that will enhance our stop motion animation will be music that is not too fast or too slow. The song we decided to use is a pop song. The name of the song we are going to use is You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift. The song goes great with the story we are trying to make. In the end I think that the combination of that song and our story is going to be good.