Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog # 1.14 - Process Journal #7

Our final game is somewhat similar to our original design. Originally, we wanted the board game pieces to be bigger than what they ended up being. Besides that, we were not sure how many tiles/spaces of each color we wanted. First, we wanted to have 10 tiles of each color on the board game, and 20 cards of each color. In the end, we decided to have 15 tiles of each color and 25 cards of each color. In our original design, we had our index card box holder placed inside the board, but for out final design the spot for the index card holder was outside the actually board. For our original design the order of the colored tiles was green, yellow, blue, red, purple, and orange, but for our final design, the order of the colored tiles was red, green, orange, blue, yellow, and purple. Overall, our original and final design was similar, but it had its differences.

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