Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog # 2.1 - Evaluation

1. What is stop motion?
Stop motion is an animation in which a specific object is moved around physically so that it will appear to be moving on its won.

2. How is motion created using stop motion animation?
Motion is created using stop motion animation by taking a object, moving it a small distance and take a picture of it. Every time a person moves the object, they will take a picture of it and in the end, the pictures will be put together so that it will look as if the object was moving.

3. What material is needed to create stop motion animation?
The materials that is needed to create stop motion animation is a camera, the object(s), and some type of program to create the animation (such as Windows Movie Maker).

4. How is stop motion animation different from other forms of movies?
Stop motion is different from other forms of movies because it is created by using pictures. Usually, other movies have people/animals that can actually move, but the objects in stop motion animation, cannot move on their own.

5. Describe the steps you need to follow in order to create a stop animation film.
The steps I need to follow in order to create a stop animation film is figure out the theme of the film, then I will need to find the object(s) I will use. After that, I will take pictures of the objects moving. Once I finish with the photos, I will create my animation using Windows Movie Maker.

Watch both of the Stop Motion Animation films posted below and answer the following questions:

6. What objects are used in the films?
For the 1st film, the main object that is being used is the stuffed animal (the cat). Besides the cat, other objects were used. Things like construction paper, and pencils/pens, was used. The 1st film also included couches, a bed, and a television. For the 2nd film, clothes was used (a dress, shoes, a pair of pants, a shirt, and socks). An outfit was used to represent a man and a dress was used to represent a woman.

7. How is music used to tell the story in both animations?
The music helps tell the story of the animation. If the music being used is the type of music that is played in clubs, then most likely the animation will not be a sad story. The songs used in each animations goes with the story.

8. What is the overall story in both of the films?
The 1st film is about a cat who is constantly dreaming about being in space and riding on a spaceship. The cat eventually goes on a spaceship and travels to the moon. The 2nd film is a wedding invitation and it tells a story of a "man" who ends up meeting a "woman."

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