Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blog #2.5 - Process Journal #1

For this project, my partner is Peteso Barlee. The initial ideas that I have for this project is to create a stop motion animation about love. I will like the story to be about a male and a female who love each other, but the male is marrying another female. The female that the male actually loves will be in the wedding and she will end up objecting. In the end, the young couple who loves each other will leave the wedding together. Peteso and I are not 100% sure if we want to use that idea,but there is defiantly a possibility that we might use it. Me and her our having disgreements on what to do for the stop motion animation. The way we can fix this problem is by coming to an agreement as to what our theme should be. I will like it if the theme of our stop motion animation is love.

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