Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog # 1.16 - Areas of Interaction

Throughout this creative process, I have learned that things that I want to happen, might not end up happening. When we first started off with this project, I had many ideas to how I wanted the game to be and look like. After a while, I had to think more realistically. The things that I originally planed out were practicably impossible, so I had to end up changing them. Besides that, I've also learned that when I work with people I tend to try to do all the work. When me and my group mates were deciding what each person was responsible for, I volunteered myself t9 do the board game and pieces. There reason why I sometimes want to do all the work is because I feel that if I don't do it, then it might not come out the way I want it to. I consider myself a creative person. For this project, I created the the 1st, 2nd, and final design of our board game. Throughout the process of creating this board game, I always had ideas on how to improve it or make it more appealing. The way that I demonstrate creativity everyday is by the way I act and the things I do. For example, I see a piece of string on the table, pick it up, and then move it around so that it will look like its spinning. Besides that, any little problem (like getting ink spilled on my binder) I will fix by making a design that will go with it. I personally think that everyone is creative. To me, something simple like having your hair to the side makes you creative.

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