Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog # 1.15 - Process Journal # 8

For the most part, me and my group mates were able to stick to our plan for the dates in which each individual part of the board will be completed. The two main changes and me and my group mates made to the timeline was the date for completing the cards and the day for buying the dice. The reason why we changed the dates for completing the cards is because Alexis was not able to find orange cards, Sadae was not able to find red cards, and I was busy doing the board game. In the end, we decided to have all of are cards done by this week. For our dice, we were not able to find a colored one. We decided to take a normal dice, put paper over it and put 1 of the 6 colors on each side. I think the changes we made were necessary because without them, our cards and dice would of not been ready on time.

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