Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blog # 2.8 - Process Journal #3

The story idea that Peteso and I have decided to go with is a combination of Peteso's story and my story. In the story, there will be a head to toe photo of Taylor Swift, another female, and a male. The song we will be using is "You Belong with Me" by Taylor Swift. The story will be about Taylor Swift being in love with her male friend,but he has a girlfriend (the female). In the story Taylor Swift will run into the couple and will see how badly the girlfriend treats. After that, the couple will have an argument and the female will leave. Soon after, Taylor enters the scene and her and the male begin to walk closer to each other. The closer they get to each other, a heart (made out of flowers) is being formed around them. In the end, Taylor ends up with the male and a big heart is formed around them. We decided to use Peteso's idea of having the props printed and we are using my idea of having the theme of the story be about love. We decided to use this idea because we feel that it is much more creative and interesting than the idead that we create individually.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Blog # 2.7 - Process Journal #2

Based on Criteria F (Attitudes in Technology), I will give my partner (Peteso) and I a 6. Peteso and I have been working efficiently in class. As soon as the teacher (Ms. Tomlin) gave us instructions on what to do for the Stop Motion Animation, Peteso and I came up with an idea. For the stop motion animation, we decided to have a potato chip going inside of a bag, and then going back out. Immediately, I grabbed a camera and started taking pictures. After we were done, we downloaded the photos into the computer and started working on the video. Since there was not enough time and the computer was constantly freezing, Peteso and I were not able to finish. Next Wednesday, during Design Technology, Peteso and I (as well as the rest of the class) will have an opportunity to finish the stop motion animation. Besides working well during class, Peteso and I have contacted each other multiple times outside of school. We text messaged each other and have written to each other on Facebook. I think the Peteso and I work good together, but we can improve on working at a faster paste. Overall, I think that Peteso and I are doing a good a job.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blog #2.6 - Brainstorm

The story line that I have in mind will take place in a wedding. A couple is about to get married, but a female (who the groom is actually in love with) will come to the wedding to interrupt it. Through the story, the female will observe everything that goes on in the wedding. But, she will end up leaving the wedding with groom. The song I will like to use is "Speak Now" by Taylor Swift. The reason why I want to use that song is because it goes with the story. The song is about a female (Taylor Swift) interrupting a wedding. Peteso does not want to use that song, she wants to use a rock song. Me and her can compromise and use another Taylor Swift song that is much faster (for example, the song "The Way I Loved You").

Blog #2.5 - Process Journal #1

For this project, my partner is Peteso Barlee. The initial ideas that I have for this project is to create a stop motion animation about love. I will like the story to be about a male and a female who love each other, but the male is marrying another female. The female that the male actually loves will be in the wedding and she will end up objecting. In the end, the young couple who loves each other will leave the wedding together. Peteso and I are not 100% sure if we want to use that idea,but there is defiantly a possibility that we might use it. Me and her our having disgreements on what to do for the stop motion animation. The way we can fix this problem is by coming to an agreement as to what our theme should be. I will like it if the theme of our stop motion animation is love.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blog # 2.4 - Design Specification

To create this stop motion animation I will need certain materials. The materials that I will need are the following...
  • Digital Camera
  • Windows Movie Maker
  • Barbie Dolls (or something else that can represent people)
  • A background created by me or my partner
  • A 2 minute long video
  • Music
  • And other extra props (such as chairs,tables,flowers,etc)

Blog # 2.3 - Design Brief

Peteso (my partner) and I will be creating a stop motion animation. Our stop motion animation will be/can be viewed by any age group. There is no specific target audience,but adults or teenagers might prefer it more that children. The stop motion animation we will create will be some what mature for some people, but at the same time it will be entertaining. The purpose for this animation is to show a story of love. To create this stop motion animation, I will need certain props, and of course I will need a digital camera to take pictures and a program where I can create the animation.

Blog # 2.2 - Design Task

The task for this project is to create a stop motion animation. Everyone will be working in groups of two. Together with my partner, I will create a stop motion animation by following a story line and taking pictures of everything that happens. After taking all the pictures, my partner and I will create the stop motion animation by using Windows Movie Maker. Me and Peteso have discussed ideas that we will want to use. I will like for us to use the song Speak Now by Taylor Swift. The story will be about a couple about to get married. Throughout the story, the female that the groom actually loves will observe everything that goes on in the wedding. In the end, the female will object to the wedding and the groom will end up leaving with her.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog # 1.16 - Areas of Interaction

Throughout this creative process, I have learned that things that I want to happen, might not end up happening. When we first started off with this project, I had many ideas to how I wanted the game to be and look like. After a while, I had to think more realistically. The things that I originally planed out were practicably impossible, so I had to end up changing them. Besides that, I've also learned that when I work with people I tend to try to do all the work. When me and my group mates were deciding what each person was responsible for, I volunteered myself t9 do the board game and pieces. There reason why I sometimes want to do all the work is because I feel that if I don't do it, then it might not come out the way I want it to. I consider myself a creative person. For this project, I created the the 1st, 2nd, and final design of our board game. Throughout the process of creating this board game, I always had ideas on how to improve it or make it more appealing. The way that I demonstrate creativity everyday is by the way I act and the things I do. For example, I see a piece of string on the table, pick it up, and then move it around so that it will look like its spinning. Besides that, any little problem (like getting ink spilled on my binder) I will fix by making a design that will go with it. I personally think that everyone is creative. To me, something simple like having your hair to the side makes you creative.

Blog # 1.15 - Process Journal # 8

For the most part, me and my group mates were able to stick to our plan for the dates in which each individual part of the board will be completed. The two main changes and me and my group mates made to the timeline was the date for completing the cards and the day for buying the dice. The reason why we changed the dates for completing the cards is because Alexis was not able to find orange cards, Sadae was not able to find red cards, and I was busy doing the board game. In the end, we decided to have all of are cards done by this week. For our dice, we were not able to find a colored one. We decided to take a normal dice, put paper over it and put 1 of the 6 colors on each side. I think the changes we made were necessary because without them, our cards and dice would of not been ready on time.

Blog # 1.14 - Process Journal #7

Our final game is somewhat similar to our original design. Originally, we wanted the board game pieces to be bigger than what they ended up being. Besides that, we were not sure how many tiles/spaces of each color we wanted. First, we wanted to have 10 tiles of each color on the board game, and 20 cards of each color. In the end, we decided to have 15 tiles of each color and 25 cards of each color. In our original design, we had our index card box holder placed inside the board, but for out final design the spot for the index card holder was outside the actually board. For our original design the order of the colored tiles was green, yellow, blue, red, purple, and orange, but for our final design, the order of the colored tiles was red, green, orange, blue, yellow, and purple. Overall, our original and final design was similar, but it had its differences.

Blog # 1.12 - Process Journal #6

So far my group mates and I have completed our board game. During the thanksgiving break, I made the board game and Alexis was able to do her 50 cards (25 purple cards and 25 orange cards). I was not able to complete my cards because I was too busy working on the board, but this week I will start and finish my cards. Sadae was not able to buy her cards because the store she went to did not have the red and blue index cards that she needed. But, Sadae was able to get the index cards box holder. We have to fully complete the cards, buy the dice, print out the rules, and finish the game pieces to be done with the board game.

Blog # 2.1 - Evaluation

1. What is stop motion?
Stop motion is an animation in which a specific object is moved around physically so that it will appear to be moving on its won.

2. How is motion created using stop motion animation?
Motion is created using stop motion animation by taking a object, moving it a small distance and take a picture of it. Every time a person moves the object, they will take a picture of it and in the end, the pictures will be put together so that it will look as if the object was moving.

3. What material is needed to create stop motion animation?
The materials that is needed to create stop motion animation is a camera, the object(s), and some type of program to create the animation (such as Windows Movie Maker).

4. How is stop motion animation different from other forms of movies?
Stop motion is different from other forms of movies because it is created by using pictures. Usually, other movies have people/animals that can actually move, but the objects in stop motion animation, cannot move on their own.

5. Describe the steps you need to follow in order to create a stop animation film.
The steps I need to follow in order to create a stop animation film is figure out the theme of the film, then I will need to find the object(s) I will use. After that, I will take pictures of the objects moving. Once I finish with the photos, I will create my animation using Windows Movie Maker.

Watch both of the Stop Motion Animation films posted below and answer the following questions:

6. What objects are used in the films?
For the 1st film, the main object that is being used is the stuffed animal (the cat). Besides the cat, other objects were used. Things like construction paper, and pencils/pens, was used. The 1st film also included couches, a bed, and a television. For the 2nd film, clothes was used (a dress, shoes, a pair of pants, a shirt, and socks). An outfit was used to represent a man and a dress was used to represent a woman.

7. How is music used to tell the story in both animations?
The music helps tell the story of the animation. If the music being used is the type of music that is played in clubs, then most likely the animation will not be a sad story. The songs used in each animations goes with the story.

8. What is the overall story in both of the films?
The 1st film is about a cat who is constantly dreaming about being in space and riding on a spaceship. The cat eventually goes on a spaceship and travels to the moon. The 2nd film is a wedding invitation and it tells a story of a "man" who ends up meeting a "woman."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog # 1.11 - Process Journal #5

So far, me and my group mates have divided the work. Each person will be responsible for at least 2 things. It will be 2 types of cards, and something else (for example, buying the dice (which Sadae is responsible for). We will create the majority of the game during the thanksgiving break. A problem (which is also the biggest problem we are facing) that we are facing is how to create the game board. We will like to get an old game board and from there create are board. We have not been able to find one, so we are going to end up using cardboard. Next class, we are going to focus on making sure that every one is doing what they are supposed to be doing during the break. Another problem that I think we might end up facing is that we might to be able to finish everything on time. Since this is a group project, we have to depend on one another, so if someone messes up, then we all do. We have to keep good communication throughout everything like that everything can be done on time and correctly.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blog #1.10 - Process Journal #4

The developments that my team and I have made towards our presentation is designing how every single thing of the game board will look like. Originally are game cards will have a question in the front and the answer in the back (backwards). Alexis suggested for us to have multiple choice questions instead of having the players figure it out entirely on their own. The multiple choice questions will be beneficial to them because they can use the process of elimination as well as kill time. Our game board and our game pieces will be the same as the original. The role that I will be playing in the preparation for the presentation is creating the power point. During the presentation, we will divide the power point slides into 3 parts ( Alexis, Sadae, and myself will all have a chance to speak about our project). A problem that we are facing is the fact that there are different parts of the project,but we have little time to complete it. Since I am in charge of creating the power point, I will work over the weekend on it. After I finish the power point, I will get in contact with my two other group mates, and from there we will assign parts to each group member.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog #1.9 - Process Journal #3

So far my teammates and I have made the first draft of our game board game. We have also made the first draft for each of our game pieces. We have an idea of how we want our game cards to look like, but we have changed the design of the cards a bit. Originally we were just going to have the cards and then the answer in the back, but backwards. But one of my group members brought up a good point. She said that if the cards are set up that way, then it will be easy for the player to cheat. I agreed, and I said that we can have a piece a paper that will cover the answer and can also be pulled out. So far that is how our game cards is going to look like. The qualities that the members in my team are exhibiting in a positive way are being communicators and being thinkers. We communicate a lot. Every time there is a problem that we come across, we just discuss about it and we find a solution. We also work together to design the different parts of the board game. I think that my group members are being thinkers because they bring new ideas every time we have a discussion. The IB quality that my group members are still working on developing is being risk takers. I feel that they need to stop going straight to the basics. We are making a board game for 6 th graders not adults. Most 6th graders will want to be entertained by every aspect of the board. I feel that my greatest strength is being a thinker. I think that I am always finding new ways of improving are project. The areas that I thinl I need to improve on is being more open-minded. I think that I am open-mined to adding new and creative things to the board but when I comes to my teammates opinions I am not as open. They might think something is good while I might not see it that way.

Blog #1.8 - Design Justification

The design that our group decided to use in my game pieces and Alexis' game cards. At the beginning we (mainly me and Alexis) were arguing. We could not decide on what game pieces design and what game cards design to use. She felt that the game pieces should be all the same, but I thought that there should be some type of diversity. We could not make a decision. When then asked a few people for their opinion. We asked Peteso " What is your favorite design for the games pieces and game cards." She liked my game pieces and she liked Alexis' cards. We decided to go with what Peteso liked because we both agreed with her.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Blog # 1.7c - Possible Designs

Sadae Livingston designed the game cards. Sadae, Alexis, and I had very similar designs as far as the game cards are concerned. Sadae's design was good, but I would of liked it if she had the answer upside down. I think that her cards were well organized ( like how Alexis' cards were). Overall her design was pretty good,but I would of liked it if she would of done the game pieces.

Blog # 1.7b - Possible Designs

Alexis Garcia designed the game pieces and the game cards as well. I believe that her game cards are better than mine. I think that her game cards are well designed and are more organized than mine. But, her cards were very similar to mine. I think that she should change her game pieces. I feel that her game pieces are too dull and plain. Her game pieces remind me of the euphoria perfume bottle for women. But for the most part her design has nice.

Blog #1.7a - Possible Designs

I designed the game pieces and the game cards for our board game (Mathoric). My game pieces were a book, a Television screen, a movie clapper board, and a vintage car. The reason why I choose those game pieces is because I want the audience to be entertained with their pieces (especially since we are designing a game for 6th grades, we do not want them to get bored). My game cards were categorized by color and subject. The yellow,red,and orange cards will represent Social Studies, while the blue,green,and purple cards will represent Mathematics. But, each color will focus on one specific part of that subject. The yellow cards will focus on naming states, the red cards will focus on historical people, and the orange cards will focus on events. For Mathematics, the blue cards will focus on intermediate addition, the green cards will focus on multiplication, and the purple cards will focus on decimal place values. One side 0f the card will have the question and the other side of the card will have the answer, but upside down

Blog #1.6- Process Journal #2

Based on what we have done I will give myself a 5. I will give myself a five because I have been working very hard on the design and the different concepts of the game. I think that I can approve on listening more to my group mates' suggestions. I will give my other group mates a 5 as well. I think that they are good group mates. Both of them do their work on time, and together we discuss the things we will include in our game.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Blog #1.4 - Design Specification

Me and my group members (Sadae Livingston and Alexis Garcia) will create a board game that will help sixth grade students expand their knowledge of Mathematics and Social Studies. The board game will include 4 pieces which will be used to represent each player (since only up to 4 people can play). The actual board for our board game will be a recycled board from another board game. We will use that board and transform it into our own using markers, printed pictures, and plain sheets on paper to design it. To make the cards we will use colored (but without lines) index cards. Besides that we will be using cardboard. We will cut pieces of cardboard and tape them together so that it can serve as the place holder for the cards. Other materials that will be needed are pencils and scrap paper. The pencils and scrap paper will be used to write down the answers to the questions in the cards.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog #1.5 - Brainstorm

Group Members: Sadae Livingston, Yaritza Burgos & Alexis Garcia

Name of Game: Mathoric

Subject Area: Math & History

Specific Topics to be Addressed:
Math: Intermediate Addition and multiplication, decimal place value
History: Names of States, Names of Historic People, Names of Events

Our game will be focused on the topics from Mathematics and History. The rules of the game would be for children to roll one die and if the die rolls on the color red, orange, or yellow, then the player must pick up a card from the History section and answer a question on the card. If the person answers the card correctly, they would roll the number die to determine the amount of spaces they move. If the dice lands on green, blue or purple, the same goes so forth for Math. It will be a four player game at most. Once the player puts down their answer card on the table they will not be able to change thier answer. ,

The games will include:2 die
  • four colored game pieces
  • 6 packs of cards
  • pencil
  • scrap paper
  • 2 boxes that serves as place holders for the cards
The characteristics of this game comes from the games:
  • Monopoly
  • Cranium

Information from the survey results we will be intergrating in the gam

e will be the most popular votes of math being the favorite subject, dice being the favorite thing to play in a game, and the majority of the people not wanting to include Spanish in the game.

The surfaces will be:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog # 1.3 - Process Journal #1

In this project I will be working with Alexis Garcia and Sadae Livingston. So far as a group we have discussed the types of things we want to incorporate into our board game. Besides that we have decided the school subjects that we want to be in the game. During class we made a survey and outside the classroom we have surveyed 4 kids from in between the ages 0f 10-12. We asked them questions about their favorite types of games and school subjects. Some answers were the same but they had their own personal opinion. Based on our survey we have a better understanding on how we are going to make or board game.

Blog # 1.2 - Design Task

For this project are task is to create a game for the 6th graders in Thurgood Marshall Academy. The game can not only be a fun entertaining game, the game needs the teach the game players something new or expand their knowledge on something that they already knew. The game will help students with school but will be fun enough for them to play on their won. This game will be board game which is focused on Social Studies and possibly Mathematics and Spanish. The game will be some what challenging but it will still be in a level in which the students will be able to understand.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

BLOG #1.1 - Game Evaluation

1. What games did your group play today?
a.) Cranium
b.) Scrabble
c.) Bingo
2.) Briefly describe how the game works. What was the objective of the game?
a.) In Cranium you get into 2 groups of 2. From there you pick one of the pieces (yellow,red,green, or blue) to represent your group. Together the groups make an agreement to see which of the groups goes first. After that the first group rolls the die the color the die lands on is the color of the box that they will choose their card from. One of the teammates from that group will do what the card says. If the other teammate gets it right they will role the die to see where they will land in. The other team will keep the same. The objective of the game is to be the first team to move around the board clockwise.
b.) For Scrabble each player gets their own little stand to put their letters in. We decide who goes first by each players picking out one letter and the player with the letter closets to a or a goes first. After that each players gets 7 letters. From there the first player starts putting the words on the board. The players after will have to connect their words from which ever letters or words that are already in the board. Every time you put letters on the board then you go inside the bag of letters to get more letters until you have 7 letters. Throughout it someone tallies the points you get from each word. The objective of the game is to get the most points after all the letters are gone.
c) For Bingo each player got their own BINGO card which has different numbers (not one BINGO card is exactly the same). Theres was a container that was shaped like a sphere in which the the Bingo balls were placed inside of. Somebody will spin the sphere shaped container (or cage) and from there they will take a BINGO ball out say its number and letter ( for example B15) and then place it outside in its specific spot. If a player has that number in their BINGO sheet then they will place a chip on the spot with the number. The objective of the game is to have your BINGO sheet covered either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally straight across and then say BINGO, from there you have won.

3. Were the rules clear? If not, what made them hard to understand?
a.) The rules were not clear, they were difficult to understand because it was talking about different things at the same time. In order for us to play we had to ask the teacher.
b.) The rules were some what clear. But, since other people in my group already knew how to play we mostly went based on what they said.
c.) The rules were very clear nobody in my group had a problem with understanding how to play. Everybody basically already knew what they were doing.

4. Was the board attractive, colorful, etc. ? EXPLAIN.
a.) Yes the board was attractive. It had many colors (yellow,red,green,and blue). The colors made the board more appealing.
b.) The board was not really attractive it was very plain and dull. It needed more color.
c.) It did not have a board but the but the different parts of it were attractive and the box in which it came in was well designed.

5. What is one positive element of the game?
a.) You have many options for playing it. You can act it out like charades, or write a drawing of it on a piece of paper. Besides that it helps expand our knowledge on a variety of things (such as movies, vegetation, etc.)
b.) You have to do some thinking in order to get the word you have on the board without messing anything else up.
c,) You have to be aware of what goes on in the game so you wont miss a number called, that means that you will basically have to be very much involved in the game.

6. What is one specific thing that can be improved? EXPLAIN.
a.) I think the direction and the bored can be improved. Th direction did not really help and even though the bored looked nice it had some parts in it that were questionable to why they will be there.
b.)I think that the board should be improved because the players might get a little bored by the game if they stare at such a simple board.
c.) I think that materials its self should be improved because it was distracting every one from playing the game.

7. What age is this game for? How could this game be altered to make it appropriate for a younger audience? How could this game be altered to make it appropriate for an older audience?
a.)It is for people 12 years old and older. It can be altered to make it appropriate for a younger audience by the rules being less complicated and more user friendly. It be altered to make it appropriate for an older audience by making the board less colorful.
b.) It is for teens and adults. It can be altered to make it appropriate for an younger audience by making the rules more simpler so that younger kids can understand more. It can be altered to make it appropriate for an older audience by removing many of the vowels from the bag of letters.
c.) It is for teens and adults. It can be altered to make it appropriate for an younger audience by changing the BINGO sheet to be based on numbers from 1-30 instead of 1-75. It can be altered to make it appropriate for an older audience by it having some extra rules involved so that it will be harder.

8. What element(s) of the game(s) that you played maybe integrated into your game?
a.) The part that might be integrated into my game will be that part that you might need to play charades
b.) The part that might be integrated into my game will be the little stand with the words.
c.) The part that might be integrated into my game will be the cage and the little balls.